Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: - Music kolja you ha Ichi up that means that I consider you all my friends. - I'm paid to kill a Lila yo macka P Lila whoa you only huh. - I'm very happy and honored to be here and my name is chase iron eyes and I'm excited to be here. - I really the energy is great here from the time that we that we arrived here I could I could feel the energy, and I really want to thank those who took times out of their schedules out of their days those amongst the the American Indian Network to make this possible. - From the time we arrived at our parking spots you know there's little signs that say parking reserved or has a little picture of Yoda says do not park park or oh I know how does it say how Yoda talks we're reserving it for chase iron eyes. - So I want to tell you a little bit about, you know, I was I was born in the Black Hills of what is now South Dakota, some of you have probably been there it's where much more is and so forth, and my mother moved us back to the Standing Rock nation or the Standing Rock reservation where I I grew up there, my my whole life until I was 19 and then I I went to college. - So growing up on you know a reservation of modern American Indian reservation at a time, you know in this I was born in 1978 and the reservations were created kind of as military forts and prison camps during the late 1870s when in it's it's important to start there because today September fifth 2017 it is now September 5th 1877 is about...
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