Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: - So, the topic today is the intimate relationship between sexuality and spirituality. Maybe quickly, Augustine is not the only person from the church who impacts us today. In the 6th century, Gregory the first was even more negative about sexual pleasure. Gregory deplored marital sex but was okay with procreation. However, if procreation had any pleasure, it was considered excessive in his eyes. This is where the promotion of clerical celibacy began. Although he didn't have the power to impose it, centuries later, his vision of clerical celibacy was obliged in Western England. Overnight, husbands were ripped from their children and wives, leading to riots and even suicides. It was a really difficult and bloody time. Raymond Lawrence, who wrote Sexual Liberation, has in-depth writings on this topic. I don't want to repeat a lot from him, but he highlights the authoritarian religious coup where the Pope now has radical centralization of power and the total elimination of sexual gratification. So, where does that leave us.