Are you losing sleep worrying about your finances? Has the value of your investment portfolio and IRA taken a big hit lately? Has your 401k become a 201k? And have you noticed that your dollars just don't seem to go as far as they used to? Well, if you're concerned, you're not alone, and there's good reason to be. The U.S. dollar has decreased in value over fourteen percent in just the last year and a half alone. In fact, the dollar has dropped ninety-five percent in value in the last ninety-eight years. Stocks have also taken a huge hit over the last few years. Surprisingly, however, gold and silver are up over four hundred percent over the last ten years alone. Many economists are saying that this is just the beginning, and several believe that the price of gold and silver are expected to continue climbing as economic instability and our massive debt continues to grow at unprecedented levels. So it's not hard to figure out that it's just plain old smart to exchange some of your dollars that continue to drop in value for some gold and silver that continue to go up in value. The problem is, many people don't have a clue about what to do. They don't know what they should buy, and they don't know where they should buy it from. If you're watching this video and are not a member of our exclusive club, you are paying too much for your precious metals. You see, many gold and silver dealers, you know, the ones you see advertising on TV 24-7 and hear on the radio and see in print media, well, they're typically charging anywhere from five to twenty-five percent markup on all the precious metals they sell. They have to charge that much...
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