Music settled insanity is defined as a permanent or settled condition caused by long-term substance abuse. It differs from the temporary state of intoxication. In some United States jurisdictions, settled insanity can be used as a basis for an insanity defense, while voluntary intoxication cannot. If settled insanity negates one of the required elements of the crime, such as malice aforethought, it can be used as a defense. However, US federal and state courts have differed in their interpretations of when settled insanity is acceptable as an insanity defense, as well as over what is included in the concept of settled insanity. Early English common law recognized settled insanity as a complete defense for a person who is a habitual drug user but is not intoxicated at the time of the offense. This defense acquits the accused with a verdict of not guilty. A person meeting the criteria of settled insanity is not considered responsible for their actions. The Edmonton rules, the first attempt in criminal law to address the issue of a mentally ill defendant, state that mental illness or insanity can be used as a defense if the defendant was unable to understand the criminal nature of their act or unable to distinguish right from wrong at the time of the offense. The standard for an insanity defense developed by the American Law Institute requires a showing that the defendant's mental illness prevented them from abiding by the law. Traditionally, under English common law, intoxication, regardless of the degree, was not considered grounds for excusing the defendant's criminal behavior. However, in the last half-century, there has been a movement toward allowing intoxication as evidence admissible in court to help the jury understand the criminal act and use it as a mitigating factor. Voluntary intoxication is not considered an excuse for...
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