Hi friends, welcome to Suggested By You. Today's question is from Mr. Jimmy from New Jersey, and he asks, "Why do we burp?" Thanks for the query. Maybe we all do this. Let's find out. So, what is burping or belching? It is a bunch of gas that forms in your stomach and makes its way back up through your esophagus. Gas is created in the stomach when enough gas has been created, and it needs to escape. It leaves the stomach and shoots up through the esophagus. Of course, sometimes we hear rumbles in the stomach first. What causes gas? There are four things: swallowed air, certain foods, stress, tension, and anxiety, and stomach infections. Let's check the causes of belching. There are many reasons for burping, and one of them is eating or drinking too fast. That's when you swallow air, which causes discomfort and results in burping. Stress, tension, anxiety or any triggers that cause your blood pressure to rise also cause gas that leads to burping. Medical conditions related to the digestive tract also cause excessive burping. They may include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastroparesis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, and lactose intolerance. Stomach infections from bacteria like Helicobacter pylori cause digestive disorders and diseases. This leads to excessive burping that should be treated immediately. Burping may be caused by chewing gum, smoking while fitting dentures, or talking while eating. Some of that air finds its way into the lower digestive tract, where it contributes to gas. Now, let's check what kind of food causes gas and, in turn, burping. Aerated drinks or carbonated drinks are gassy, and even beer, as a matter of fact, makes us burp. Aerated drinks cause a buildup of gas, which makes you feel like a balloon. Eating certain foods like peas and beans produces more gas than...