The diagnosis that no one ever wants to hear, but it can change your life in just the blink of an eye. As part of breast cancer awareness month, our Stephanie Batum spoke to one survivor, whose story could be a wake-up call for any young woman out there. "I was 35 whenever I was diagnosed with breast cancer," hearing those words from her doctor turned this young single mom's life upside down. "It was very upsetting, I felt like my world was going to end and you know, the first thing I thought about is what about my children? Five children as young at the time, as a one-year-old daughter all the way into a teenager." Gail Brown says she knew she needed help and couldn't face her diagnosis on her own. "I cried, I was terrified, I didn't know which way to turn." That's when Penny Fanning walked into Brown's life as a nurse navigator at the breast care center. "She felt very alone and I went to her appointments, whether I went to her initial surgical appointment, and I would meet her at her doctor's office as a support, just so she knew that she wasn't alone." From the initial diagnosis to finishing radiation and chemotherapy treatments, Fanning helped Brown in navigating the uncharted waters of breast cancer, with everything from physical, emotional, and financial needs. "And at the big scheme of it, we're trying to save women's lives, and it was a life saved." Now, more than a year later from her diagnosis, Brown is cancer-free and says it was Penny's support and her kids' smiles that gave her the will to stay strong and overcome her breast cancer. "It's just amazing that I'm here today, that I'm able to take care of my children. I'm...
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