Hello youtubers my name is Raul and I'm a computer science student at the rapid University Nijmegen I'm currently following a course in semantics of logic programming and I would wish to share the subject material with you guys note that I'm not a native English speaker I'm Dutch so my English isn't perfect okay guys we first need a few definitions so you need to know what a clause is well a clause is a disjunction of literals so what is a literal well you have an atom a and atom can be either true or it can be false so a literal is an atom where it's a negated atom so we have an atom a or we have negated atom a so both of our normal atom is called a positive literal and a negative negative atom is called a negative literal so this are literals mm-hmm so when is something across then well we have to formula a implicates B or you say if a then B well it has the truth table let me first show you let me first make this well a truth table looks like this so we have 1 1 1 so well this is not a disjunction of literals because the disjunction is an or and literal is either a or not a well these are literals because B is a literal it's a normal atom and a is a literal it's a positive literal also a normal atom but this is in the way because we need nor so we need to write rewrite this that we only have ORS and positive or negative literals in our fiction so we can rewrite this then as negative a and positive B negative a and positive B normal be so we...
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