How to fill out a copyright form tutorial. This is the form SR. The SR stands for sound recording. So many of you that make and create beats and songs, you might want to use this form to copyright your sound recording. Okay, the first line on the copyright form is the title of the work. As you can see, there's a clear indicator that says 'do not write above this line.' If you need more space, use a separate continuation sheet. Now, I'd like to just say that this is just a tutorial to supplement. If you really need detailed information, you should go to the United States Copyright Office. This is just a tutorial that will give you a start and a beginning point, so hopefully you'll overcome any fear of the copyright process." - "Okay, so the title of the work will be the name of the song or group of songs. Because you can copyright a group of songs, it could say 'my collection of beats' or it could be the actual name of the beat, say 'hip-hop beat number one.' On the line below that, they're asking you for a previous or alternative or contents title. You can circle what it is. So if you have an alternative title, if it's an alternative title, you can write that on the line below the one here and circle that this is an alternative title." - "Okay, the second line is the name of the author who wrote the song. So, if your name is John Jones, you would write John Jones. Across from that, you would write the year you were born. And if this was a work-for-hire and the artist or songwriter or music producer who had passed away, you would write the year that he or...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fill Form 843 Copyright